Postcard Roses

Margarethe Hauschka-Schule

Postcard Roses

Margarethe Hauschka

Item number 19917

RRP EUR 1.50
EUR 0.98 *
Lowest price of the last 30 days: EUR 0.98
Content 1 piece
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The watercolour "Roses" was painted by the doctor and artist Margarethe Hauschka. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Dr. Margarethe Hauschka, some of her paintings - the result of healing painterly processes - were presented to a broad public, on the one hand to honour Margarethe Hauschka's life's work, but on the other hand also to point out a therapeutic possibility that addresses the creative soul forces of the human being, which are often left fallow nowadays, and puts them into action in such a way that this activity can have a healthy effect on the functions of the organs and organ systems.

As a close associate of Ita Wegman, Margarethe Hauschka further developed the principles of rhythmic massage. Later these principles were researched and expanded with regard to disease processes. Margarete Hauschka developed, practised and taught artistic therapy. She founded the Margarethe Hauschka School for Artistic Therapy and Massage in Bad Boll, Germany, which still exists today.

*06.08.1896 Hamburg (Germany) - †07.07.1980 Boll (Germany)

Illustrator: Margarete Hauschka

Format: portrait, 10.5 x 14.8 cm

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