Waldorfshop for a valuable childhood
Discover everything you need for a wonderful Easter!
Our recommendations
- Bow and arrowVah | bow and arrow | with 3 arrows | leather grip | L 100 cm | from 5 years The beautiful 100 cm long bow lies well and securely in the hand thanks to the riveted leather grip.
- -35%Watercolours in a wooden boxStockmar | Watercolours in a wooden box | Stockmar Stockmar 12 watercolour paints in a wooden box with brushes, sponge, cloth, palette and tins to store the paints.
- -35%Play and climbing archPlay and climbing bow | small starter set | cheeky | from 10 months | motor skills toy | wooden toy Small starter set
- -10 %Postcard Winter DayWaldorf Child | Postcard: Winter Day | atmospheric waldorfkind Postcard | Winter Day | illustrated by Ella Lapointe Ella LapointeIn stockRRP EUR 1.50EUR 1.35 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Postcard SpringWaldorf Child | Postcard: Spring | Ella Lapointe | Bring Spring into Your Home | By Ella Lapointe and waldorfkind | DIN A6 Ella Lapointe Bring spring into your home with this fine card by artist Ella Lapointe.In stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Postcard Easter SearchWaldorf Child | Postcard: Easter Search | Ella Lapointe | Magical Spring Postcard | For Easter | DIN A6 Ella Lapointe An enchanting DIN A6 spring postcard by artist Ella Lapointe.In stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -35 %Sticker Booklet "Miracles of HeavenWaldorf Child | Sticker Booklet "Miracle of Heaven" | Sticker Booklet Sticker book Sticker booklet with planets and stars from waldorfkind, illustrated by Ella Lapointe.In stockRRP EUR 15.00EUR 9.75 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -20 %Being creative togetherBeing creative together | Watercolour painting set | Stockmar | Creativity | Kindergarten | Sedulus | Mesko Watercolour painting setNot in stockRRP EUR 537.00EUR 429.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Item bundleWool craft packCraft package Wool | Handicraft Set | Filges | Kindergarten | Organic Wool | Weaving Handicraft setNot in stockEUR 123.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -21 %The joy of paintingThe joy of colouring | Children's colouring set for creative fun | Stockmar | Creativity | Kindergarten Children's colouring set for creative funCurrently not availableRRP EUR 189.00EUR 149.00 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Item bundle

Sustainable toys
Here you will find toys for your children that are free of harmful substances, fairly produced, educationally valuable, durable and stimulating for the imagination. We work primarily with manufacturers from Germany and Europe who produce toys sustainably with certified woods and under fair working conditions.
Our manufacturer
Wooden toys from Ostheimer and Grimm's, school materials and artist supplies from Lyra and Stockmar, tools for crafts from Corvus as well as wool for handicrafts from Filges, books from Urachhaus and eco-friendly cleaning products from Sonett - Waldorfshop works with carefully selected manufacturers to delight and inspire you with our products. Browse our store now and discover our sustainable manufacturers!
What our customers say
"All procedures from my order to delivery, including speed, courtesy, everything worked out perfectly. There is really nothing to improve."
Susanna B.
"Educational. A wonderful selection of child-friendly toys and things that parents will find great for their children. Beautifully designed, educationally valuable."
Chris C.
"Super good item description and fast shipping! However, what I find even better is the philosophy behind it!"
Claudia F.
"Beautiful stuff, fair and organic. Great ideas for kids and adults to craft, play and read."
Ute M.
Our guarantee and legally binding promise: Waldorfshop belongs to itself!
As a purpose company, we are committed to a sense-oriented economy. We work with honest prices and CO2 neutral!