Advent Calendar "Merlind, the Little Sorceress

Advent Calendar "Merlind, the Little Sorceress

46 x 40 cm

Item number 9091

Illustration Daniela Drescher

Age: from 1 year

24 picture surprises
EUR 14.90 *
Content 1 piece
Currently not available
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Advent calendar "Merlind, the little sorceress".

Merlind, the little sorceress, and Igor, the dragon, have their hands full preparing their home for Advent and Christmas. Everything is decorated and all kinds of delicious things are baked. Many little surprises are hidden behind the 24 little doors of the Advent calendar. The lovely illustrations by Daniela Drescher accompany children through the Advent season.

Product information:

Advent calendar, picture calendar
Dimensions: approx. 46 x 40 cm
Illustrations: Daniela Drescher

About the artist:

Daniela Drescher, born in 1966, illustrates pictures and children's books in a very special style. As an author, she conveys themes on nature and social life in a child-friendly way in her books. She also regularly campaigns for nature conservation organisations.

Publication date: 26.08.2009
Edition: 1st edition
Author: Drescher, Daniela
ISBN: 978-3-8251-7670-9

Name: Verlag Freies Geistesleben & Urachhaus

Street: Landhausstr. 82

City: 70190 Stuttgart


Phone: 0711 – 2 85 32 – 00

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