- Brass candlestickBrass candle holder | for candles - Ø 1.4 cm for candles - Ø 1,4 cm e.g. for Grimm's birthday ringNot in stockEUR 1.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Beeswax tea lightsK.S. Community | Beeswax Tealights | 100 % Beeswax | Ø 3,8 cm Ø 3,8 cm Natural coloured tea lights suitable for our tea light jars and the tea light holder for lanterns.In stockEUR 0.90 *0.02 kilogram | EUR 45.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Fascinating Window Stars Rainbow ColoursSpötzl | Fascinating Window Stars | Rainbow Colours | Craft Set Craft kit Craft set made of glassine paper, folding plan and adhesive templatesIn stockEUR 7.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Postcard Christmas in the ForestWaldow Verlag | Postcard: Christmas in the forest | A dwarf celebrates Christmas in the winter forest. Illustration by Wilfried Strüning Wilfried Strüning Postcard in landscape formatIn stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- "Moon and Stars" - Wax Colouring BlocksWaldorf Child | "Moon and Stars" - Wax Colouring Blocks | In Gold and Silver In gold and silver Wax colouring blocks in gold and silver in the waldorfkind Edition.In stockEUR 5.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -10 %Dinner candles made of white beeswax, 4 piecesDipam | Dinner candles made of white beeswax, 4 pieces | 2.2 x 25 cm H 25 x Ø 2,2 cm 4 white candles made of 100% pure beeswax for a festive mood on the table!In stockRRP EUR 14.00EUR 12.60 *0.315 kilogram | EUR 40.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Candle Rolling Craft SetKarl Schubert Gemeinschaft | Handicraft set candle rolling | Set for candle rolling | 100 % beeswax | 10 plates á 25 x 20 cmNot in stockEUR 20.00 *0.44 kilogram | EUR 45.45 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Seasonal star craft kitwaldorfkind | Craft set seasonal star | with instructions | window star | Christmas with instructions Craft kit for a window bannerNot in stockEUR 15.00 *0.46 | EUR 32.61 / m²* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -10 %Postcard Christmas RoseWaldow Verlag | Postcard: Christmas rose | Blooming Christmas rose against a wintry background. illustration by Daniela Drescher Blossoming Christmas rose against a wintry background. Illustration by Daniela Drescher Postcard in portrait formatIn stockRRP EUR 1.50EUR 1.35 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Special offerSilk scarfFilges | silk scarf | various colours and sizes | 100 % silk, rolled | 1 piece various colours and sizes Silk scarf for dressing up, playing and decorating.Not in stockEUR 20.40 *0.81 | EUR 25.19 / m²* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Beeswax dinner candles, 2 piecesDipam | Beeswax Dinner Candles, 2 pieces | Dimensions: Ø 2.2 cm, H 25 cm H 25 cm, Ø 2,2 cm 2 candles in a gift boxIn stockEUR 9.50 *0.17 kilogram | EUR 55.88 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- High Pillar Candle, Triangular ShapeDipam | High pillar candle, triangular shape | made of beeswax | Pillar candle, triangular shape | 100% beeswax | Dimensions: Ø 9 cm, H 17 cm made from beeswax A large candle with a fine structure made of pure beeswax in a triangular shape. h 17 cm, Ø 9 cm.Not in stockEUR 28.00 *0.775 kilogram | EUR 36.13 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -30 %Ostheimer Shepherd standingOstheimer | Ostheimer Shepherd standingIn stockRRP EUR 41.90EUR 29.33 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Postcard Christmas Eve in the countrysidePostcard Christmas Eve in the Countryside I Waldow Verlag I Holy Night Illustration Raphaela BerendtIn stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- King MelchiorOstheimer | King Melchior | red red One of the Three Magi, from Ostheimer, for the Christmas cot or for the seasonal table!Currently not availableEUR 37.90 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -30 %Ostheimer Shepherd bentOstheimer |Shepherd bent H 15 cm Standing wooden figure by Ostheimer to play with and for the seasonal table or the nativity scene at Christmas time.In stockRRP EUR 38.00EUR 26.60 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Copper bellsWeckelweiler Werkstätten | Little copper bell | Ø approx. 6.2 cm Ø 6,2 cm Hand-hammered copper bell with a semi-circular sounding body, a brass bell mallet and a copper handle.In stockEUR 23.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- White dinner candles made of beeswax, 2 piecesDipam | White dinner candles made of beeswax, 2 pieces | H 20 cm, Ø 1,5 cm. | 2 dinner candles | 100 % beeswax | Dimensions: Ø 1,5 cm, Height 20 cm H 20 cm, Ø 1,5 cm. 2 white candles made of 100% pure beeswax. H 20 cm, Ø 1.5 cm.In stockEUR 5.00 *0.05 kilogram | EUR 100.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Postcard ChristmasJ. Ch. Mellinger Verlag | Postcard: Christmas | Postcard with nativity scene motif | Artist: Ilona Bock. | Format: DIN A 6 Ilona BockIn stockEUR 1.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- -30 %King BalthazarOstheimer | King Balthazar | blue blue One of the Three Magi, from Ostheimer, for the Christmas cot or for the seasonal table!Not in stockRRP EUR 37.90EUR 26.53 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Kit: Light rockerKraul | Kit: Light seesaw | Dwarfs | incl. glass tea light | L 20 cm L 20 cm Light bobs with two dwarfs bobbing happily up and down. incl. glass tea light.In stockEUR 25.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Advent wreath plugWeckelweiler Werkstätten | Advent Wreath Plugs | Set of 4 made of copper Set of 4 copper Candleholder, hammered from copper. The surface gives the candlelight a special atmosphere.Currently not availableEUR 40.50 ** Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Pillar candle with fine structureDipam | Pillar candle with fine structure | Beeswax | Ø 7.8 cm, H 11 cm 100 % beeswax A pillar candle made of pure beeswax. Height 11 cm, Ø 7.8 cm.Not in stockEUR 17.50 *0.445 kilogram | EUR 39.33 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
- Beeswax candles, 4 pieces, naturalKarl Schubert Gemeinschaft | Beeswax candles, 4 pieces, natural | H 15 cm, Ø 3,5 cm | 4 candles in a set | Colour: natural | made from pure beeswax H 15 cm, Ø 3,5 cm 4 beautiful candles made of beeswax in natural. h 15 cm, Ø 3,5 cm.Not in stockEUR 31.50 *0.45 kilogram | EUR 70.00 / kilogram* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping