Copper bells

Copper bells

Ø 6,2 cm

Item number 4332

Copper bells

Material: copper, brass

Dimensions: Ø approx. 6.2 cm
EUR 23.50 *
Content 1 piece
In stock
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Little bell made of copper

Hand-hammered copper bell with a semi-circular sounding body, a brass bell mallet and a copper handle. Each bell is unique and has its own contemplative sound.

Product information:

Copper bell
Material: copper, brass
Dimensions: Ø approx. 6,2 cm

You can find more products made of copper here...! You can find special items for Christmas and the Advent season in our category Christmas time!

The little bell on Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, when everyone is eagerly waiting to enter the Christmas room with the glowing Christmas tree and the nativity scene, and is full of curiosity and excitement waiting for the presents. Listening to the sound of a little bell can bring a tense silence. The adult who lights the candles on the Christmas tree can ring the little bell into the silence. The little bell announces the moment when the Christmas room is entered.

The bell as a call to the meal

Once the meal is prepared and the food is ready, the parents or one of the children can ring a bell to call all the family members to the table.

Ringing a bell for silence

If it is noisy in the house, in the kindergarten or in the school class and the noise level rises and rises, the parents, educators or teachers can ring the bell and thus attract everyone's attention or ask for silence.

Name: Weckelweiler Werkstätten

Street: Heimstr. 10

City: 74592 Kirchberg/Jagst


Phone: 0049 7954 970-0

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