
Exploring and discovering the world and themselves is actually the main task of children from birth. We adults can give them the space, time and guidance they need to do this. Waldorfshop has made it its mission to provide you and your children with the best toys and games, such as detective equipment, so that your children can experiment, research and solve cases as detectives and discover the world and cosmos in a curious, joyful and fun way.

  • Kaleidoscope Twinky
    Kaleidoscope Twinky
    AstroMedia | Twinky | Kaleidoscope | Mini Kaleidoscope | Content: 1 piece | Size: Ø 5 cm Ø 5 cm Twinky, the smallest kaleidoscope in the world.
      In stock
    EUR 1.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Kaleidoscope kit
    Kaleidoscope kit
    Karl Schubert Gemeinschaft | Kaleidoscope kit | fascinating kit | from 5 years | with accompanying booklet and instructions Fascinating construction kit for children from 5 years, with age-appropriate instructions, make a kaleidoscope and playfully gain experience with the laws of optics.
      In stock
    EUR 13.70 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • The night-glowing moon
    The night-glowing moon
    The noctilucent moon I AstroMedia I Night sky | Moon surface | A small light reservoir | Experimenting | Experiments a small light store
      In stock
    EUR 7.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Star Winky
    Star Winky
    AstroMedia | Star Twinky | 3 Kaleidoscopes in Star Dress | Cardboard | Ø 8 cm 3 Kaleidoscopes in star dress Set of 3 Star Twinkies, 3 small kaleidoscopes in a star shape.
      Not in stock
    EUR 4.50 *
    3 piece
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Steam gyro
    Steam gyro
    AstroMedia | Steam gyroscope | Construction kit | Ø 8 cm, H 7 cm | 14 years and older Kit Kit for a steam gyro, experimenting with lots of fun!
      Not in stock
    EUR 8.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Solar paper, 14 x 19 cm
    Solar paper, 14 x 19 cm
    AstroMedia | Solar Paper, 14 x 19 cm | 20 sheets | Special paper, development and fixing with tap water. | Contents: 20 sheets | Dimensions: 14 x 19 cm 20 sheet Special paper, placed objects leave their outline after a short exposure to the sun. Development and fixing with tap water.
      Not in stock
    EUR 15.50 *
    0.54  | EUR 28.70 / m²
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Air Twister Set of 3
    Air Twister Set of 3
    Corvus | air twirler set of 3 | 3 air twirlers in a set | small present or gift for children's birthday parties | material: bamboo wood
      In stock
    EUR 6.90 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • CO2 rocket
    CO2 rocket
    PhänoMINT cO2 rocket I Moses Verlag I Experiment Kit
      In stock
    EUR 6.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Stethoscope
    Kraul | Stethoscope | 20.5 x 14 x 4.5 cm | real stethoscope 20.5 x 14 x 4.5 cm Listen in, marvel and discover.
      In stock
    EUR 12.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Stairhoppers
    moses. publishing house | stair climber | metallic metallic
      In stock
    EUR 9.90 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • The thermal imaging map
    The thermal imaging map
    The thermal image card | 8 x 14 cm | AstroMedia | Experiments | Thermodynamics | black film changes when heated 8 x 14 cm
      In stock
    EUR 8.00 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Mini excavation set teeth
    Mini excavation set teeth
    moses.verlag Mini Excavation Set Teeth | Experimenting | Ages 6 and up to collect and marvel at
      In stock
    EUR 5.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Kit: Light rocker
    Kit: Light rocker
    Kraul | Kit: Light seesaw | Dwarfs | incl. glass tea light | L 20 cm L 20 cm Light bobs with two dwarfs bobbing happily up and down. incl. glass tea light.
      In stock
    EUR 25.50 *
    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Online you will find educational toys and equipment for detectives solving cases and researchers conducting experiments.

5 skills that children can learn from experiments:

  1. logical and scientific thinking

  2. respect for the world

  3. powers of observation

  4. imagination

  5. creative problem-solving thinking

Experiments for children

Learning, researching and discovering; getting to the bottom of science - it only takes a few utensils, which you often have at home, to make experimenting a lot of fun. How do you grow crystals? Do earthworms have eyes? How does a whirlpool form in water? You can find lots of instructions for experiments on the Internet. But it is also very stimulating to offer children toys that encourage them to experiment and research. It doesn't always have to be a whole experiment kit or detective equipment.

Experiments with water, fire, air and light

When experimenting, children can learn about the responsible use of the elements fire, water, air and earth. It's wonderful when you, as parents or grandparents, join them on a journey of discovery. Physics and chemistry can often be very dry at school, but actually, science is often the setting for detective stories, and you can feel a bit like a detective when you track down the connections and laws with experiments. And you learn much better and more sustainably in practice than from books on the school desk anyway!

We hope you enjoy browsing through our online shop and experimenting and researching together!